Health and Safety

H&S Staff Training programme for this year

As a company we have both a legal and a moral responsibility to promote health and safety in the work place. As an employee you also have a legal and moral duty to look after you own health and safety and the welfare of those you come into contact with during the working day.

It is fair to say that many aspects of health and safety regulation is all about just applying common sense. Unfortunately, as years of HSE statistics show, we cannot rely upon common sense to prevent accidents in the work place.

One proven way of promoting a culture of responsible health and safety at work is through education. To that end, we have subscribed to an online training service (Citation) and selected a range of mandatory H&S related courses we require all our managers and workers to complete each year. We appreciate some employees find revisiting the same H&S subjects every year verging on pointless, but misplaced overconfidence about what you may think you know, kills or maims construction workers every year. We will never tire of promoting and enforcing safe-working practices in the workplace, and we expect all our staff to engage in a positive attitude towards H&S at all times.

Our next planned EFAW first aid qualifier course will be run in Spetember 2024. Please email Ken to request you attend the course.

The Emergency First Aid at work (EFAW) course is a one-day intensive course that will cover all the first aid training you will need for the kind of work undertaken by Marisco staff onsite, including catastrophic bleeds.

The First Aid at Work (FAW) course is a more intensive three-day course, that covers the same ground as the EFAW course, but in just more detail. It better prepares you to be a more confident and competent first-level responder to accidents in the workplace. Those chosen to attend this course will be at the discretion of the senior management.

Marisco Group

Head Office:
Unit J5, The Fulcrum
Vantage Way, Poole, BH12 4NU

Tel: 01202 474001


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